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Tuesday, June 17, 2008 Y 7:28 AM

hmm.. 2day went to IMM wif elikesi to buy the refreshments for the karimun trip.. we bought cereals, ribena, marshmallows, gummies, jelly etc. and spent $80+..

bought my favourite sandals too! always wanted to buy tat type n finally gt a chance to buy it 2day lurrhs.. XD

Lols.. ps esther came too n advised us? yupps.. den we went to diaso and popular and bought more things.. actually mi n elikesi wanted to buy a mini fan but in the end we decided nt to buy but to ENDURE! lols.. ltr gt heatstroke.. haha.. =D

ps esther offered to send us hm but in the end her mum was calling her to go hm so she had to alight us at the bustop..

n tis was the time when the WORST THING HAPPEN!!!

I DROPPED MY WALLET IN HER CAR!! i didnt realised it until when i wanted to board the 188 bus.. couldnt find it.. den i was lyk saying omg la.. den the bus uncle heard mi.. he said i didnt nid to pay.. quite ps.. but elicia lend mi moni so i paid.. hoho.. den i called ps esther den she said she wud returned mi tmr during the meeting..

went to lot 1 to mid my mama for dinner.. den bought a few clothes.. den finally went hm!
stand so long for the whole day... leg pain sia.. hahas.. bb ppl!

Sunday, June 15, 2008 Y 9:47 PM

ytd didnt get a chance to post abt PAPA's DAY!
came bak late after celebrating so didnt reali had a chance to post.. my family went to bpp n ate the duno wat ichiban.. it was lyk sakae sushi but had more varieties there..
aftr tat we went to buy the necessities tat i nid for karimun trip.. n den followed by i bought a present for my papa! hoho.. i guess he was hapi.. he said b4 dinner actually he was quite sad but in the end during dinner he said he was hapi.. lols..
I intend to do math 2day.. but duno y will b always tempted to on the com.. zz.. devil's attack ar?
hais.. DETERMINED AND DISCIPLINED! (sch's motto huh?)


Saturday, June 14, 2008 Y 6:20 AM

went to church for karimun briefing at 1pm.. we prayed for quite awhile as ps esther said tat praying was impt.. we shared our thoughts and it bcame a fact tat we had mani challenges to face.. all we could do was juz to put our trust in God!
aftr tat, we started to practise the malay song to sing it there.. i didnt noe tat most of the ppl who sing in church always sing so nice de.. hmm.. mayb cuz of the holy spirit ba.. hehe..
at 3pm i went for service wif elikesi.. ps ronald didnt preach 2day n there was a ps frm g1 de.. he talked abt being a 'eagle christian'. the characteristics was: - Balance - Influence - Go On

we went for cell aftr the service and everybody who went for the retreat shared abt their Life game and how God spoke to them. The Life game really seemed fun. mayb i kind of regretted tat i didnt went? Lols..
during cell i learnt abt if i was self-centered tat my other earthly things bcame 1st poriority instead of God. i thought of once where my klas had a bbq and i pon church n juz went for bbq when i could had actually went to church b4 going to the bbq.. i guess i shud nt i did tat..
other thing was if my door was open or closed to God. I tink my door was lyk sometimes open, sometimes close.. i wan my door to b always opened to God..

the last thing was if i was hot, cold, or lukewarm. Hot was abt healing ppl lyk showing concern for dem, caring for dem etc while cold was to refresh people abt their Christianity life. Lukewarm was lyk neither of the above and juz 'useless' to God's kingdom.
It wud b kind of scary to b lukewarm..
I really wan to grow closer to God and b able to hear His word.. it seems tat i cant reali hear much.. mayb i shud b disciplined to do devotion lurhhs..

I oso learnt tat we shud nt tell God how big is our problem bt tell our problem how big is our God..

2day shared sooo much abt God.. hehe.. byes ppl.. XD

Friday, June 13, 2008 Y 4:10 AM

YAY! my blog ok le.. hehe.. jian chi dao di.. =D
met yuxiu aka xiuxiu at lot 1 for lunch b4 we went to band.. we were late for band again.. hais.. last wk oso late.. hehe.. 2nd time!
huixuan came back and taught us.. =D mr yeo talked abt attendance and said tat i was absent for 4times.. but the fact was i was oni absent for 3times.. 1st time was i was sick, 2nd time was i helped out with the sec 1 cultural camp and lastly sick again.. he asked mi to watch my attendance sia.. =.=!!
huixuan said tat muz explain to the majors if nt will affect the % of my attendance.. she was lyk thoughtful? hehe..
i tink going to have cough lers! nxt wk go mission trip.. hope by then ok le XD
still left wif geog, letter writing n math.. hais..


Thursday, June 12, 2008 Y 3:11 AM

btw, the information all nt mi de.. AHHH!! sian.. nid to kip redoing it..


Y 3:07 AM

hais.. my blogskin is a disaster man!!! wths.. i do until gong gong.. =.=!! hais..
still gt hws to do.. actually kaikai cum my hse 2day do ht project de.. in the end bcum blogging.. hahas.. but she taught mi how to do maths.. hehe..
tmr gt band sia.. muz hav POSITIVE ATTITUDE! XD hahas.. nw i tink i wud try to post more often i guess ^^

Tuesday, June 10, 2008 Y 11:23 PM

YAY! today sooo hapi! finally some kind of updated my links lurrhs =D n POSTED something after duno how mani yrs again!! hahas..
super sian lo... gt sooo much hw.. when there is 1 wk of holidays, teachers will giv 1mth hws.. when is 1 mth of holidays, dey giv 1yr hw ar! mayb to exaggerating le.. haha.. but reali is alot.. zz..
audi 4k more lvl.. but yet i muz CONTROL myself nt to play.. DO HW.. hais..
MUZ JYJYS!! ppl lyk mi oso muz jys! =DDD


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That girl.

^^ Grace Lee ^^ =)
15 years old
a child of God
dunearn sec
3 Topaz '09
french hornist =X
dunearn military band
first cry on 23/2/1994
MSN & frenster: grace_lee_15@hotmail.com


the colour White
my horn =X
God who created everything<3
my family
my frenz
playing the piano
listening to music


ppl who breaks my trust in dem
posers =$
petty ppl
ppl whu lyk to show attitude
arrogant ppl
making use of other ppl
noisy songs


more clothes
achieve outstanding results in studies
get a grade 8 piano certificate
play my horn well n sound gd


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