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Saturday, September 15, 2007 Y 9:06 PM

on fri, i had chinese oral which i tink went quite okay for mi and then went to watch RATATOUILE at Lot 1 with a group of frenz to celebrate Dionis's birthday.. the show was quite funny n nice.. after the show, we went to long john silvers to eat.. we sang a birthday song to Dionis and she turned all red.. haha.. Hinchi & Juvena said they went to the toilet but end up buying a present for her.. she said she was touched.. =) juz hope she enjoyed her time.. she had to leave soon as she nided she go back home to celebrate with her family..

Y 8:49 PM

had not post for awhile.. still have not recovered from my cough. =X feeling worried abt the eoy examinations... omg.. it is lyk goin to start in 12 more days.. i am not prepared enough.. haiz.. i got my results for my CA2:

Subject: CA2 Test 1 (30%) CA2 Test 2 (40%)

English 56.7 67.5
Chinese 77.0 -
Math 73.9 93.3
Science 68.0 28.3
Geography 88.0 60.0
History 72.5 85.0
Literature - 75.0
Home Economics 92.0 73.0
Visual Arts 59.0 -

Saturday, September 08, 2007 Y 3:37 AM

duno wat to post 2day... stay at home the whole day.. feeling worried as i have not completed my holiday assignments and school is going to start soon... HOMEWORK: WHOLE CHAPTER 9 OF HISTORY WORKBOOK, NEWSPAPER ARTICLE, REVISE FOR GEOGRAPHY TEST.. Haiz... Y do humans always need to worry? 70% of our worries are unneccesary. only 30% are real. do we really worry at the correct times? i tink i nid 2 learn how 2 let go if not i will die of stress.. Humans sinned and Christ had to die for us.. I always ask myself y didnt God make the world peaceful and everybody lives in harmony, without any quarrels and juz enjoying life with no complains, everybody smiling and laughing.. tat will be good.. haizzz.. juz like nature. =X

Friday, September 07, 2007 Y 7:19 AM

Went to sembawang park today wif my parents to do our homework.. my parents had to study for some church test.. it was abt to rain when we were there.. dark clouds.. we bought some small appetisers from mcdonalds and brought there to eat while doing our work.. i did abt 2 pages of my history workbook n i still have to do 11 pages.. -_-!! diaoz.. i was getting bored there so i went to take the pictures of the scenery.. when my parents had completed most of their work, it started to rain heavily and making us rush to the car, a little drenched as we had an unbrella. we then went to causeway point as my mum nided to laminate her certificates and bought dinner.
The waves..
The green scenery..


Sand & waves..

Thursday, September 06, 2007 Y 8:57 PM

I went to the junior band concert on 4th September at victoria concert hall.. i went there after band practise with my seniors and peers.. we took the mrt until city hall when we could alight at raffles place which will b nearer for us.. hence, we nided 2 walk more.. the funi thing is tat we even lost our way n ran a lot as we were going to be late le.. we finally reach vch.. we were the only ppl there who were using the information booklet to fan ourselves.. cant b helped.. we ran so much leh.. it shud be quite natural for us to perspire. if we dun, there could be some serious problems wif our bodies.. haha.. the concert was quite boring as it was all the sec 1s whu performed.. if i had known tis earlier, i would nt cum n waste my money.. it is freezing cold there too, like winter in antartica.. elicia had forgotten to bring her jacket so i had to share mine wif her as i tink she will freeze too.. NJC had also performed there.. they were the guest band n performed the last.. actually, we wanted to leave during the interval as we had not eaten our dinner and it was very sian.. after we left the concert hall, we were looking for a place to eat our dinner.. we ended up losing our ways again n even joked tat we wanted to go to the fuliton hotel which was a six star hotel.. in the end again, we found our ways.. haha.. we went to lot 1 mcdonalds eat our dinner.. some ppl had already went home as it was goin 2 be 11pm le.. we ate until around 11.30pm.. i made my way home, bathe and then went to sleep... =)

Here are some of the pics taken on tat day:

Elicia making funny faces in the mrt when we were on our way to VCH.. =X

Frm the left: Sabrina, Mi n Elicia's reflection when we were waiting for the mrt at raffles place... =P

Mi in VCH.. taken during the interval in the performing hall.. =D

Mrt platform at raffles place... =S

Monday, September 03, 2007 Y 12:05 AM

I had a hard time bringing my horn home, taking a bus followed by a train and a walking distance, making mi have some blisters.. Haiz.. but i still luv and enjoy it veri much.. my band instructor says tat we shud treat our instrument lyk my own husbands/wives.. haha.. =))) at least by bringing it home, i will have more time to practise n improve..

Sunday, September 02, 2007 Y 11:14 PM

Nth much to say.. juz a picture of my gd fren, elicia and myself.. =X

Y 2:01 AM

I went to church 2day n went to bukit panjang plaza after that.. eating lunch with my mum and reading a bk abt strange phycology disease lyk autism etc.. i felt tat topic interesting n may wan to study abt that in the future.. haha.. i felt very hapi today as i got more details about contact lenses, abt the price etc.. best of all, i found out tat it is a little bit cheaper compared to wat i thot would cost. i guess i would b able to buy it soon.. GOAL: SAVE FOR CONTACT LENSES! XD lol..


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That girl.

^^ Grace Lee ^^ =)
15 years old
a child of God
dunearn sec
3 Topaz '09
french hornist =X
dunearn military band
first cry on 23/2/1994
MSN & frenster: grace_lee_15@hotmail.com


the colour White
my horn =X
God who created everything<3
my family
my frenz
playing the piano
listening to music


ppl who breaks my trust in dem
posers =$
petty ppl
ppl whu lyk to show attitude
arrogant ppl
making use of other ppl
noisy songs


more clothes
achieve outstanding results in studies
get a grade 8 piano certificate
play my horn well n sound gd


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